
The Others

Finding Stripes: Ed Liddle

The Other Art Fair sits down with past fair artist Ed Liddle ahead of his solo …

The Others

Waterfalls & Wallpaper:
David Wightman

The Other Art Fair takes five minutes to catch up with Fair artist David …

Fair News

London: Highlights 15-18 Oct 2015

130 artists, 14,100 vistors, 3,375 artworks, 1421 entrance balloons, 54 …

Fair News

Art Below x James Mylne

From taxidermied snakes to Stormtrooper helmets, Art Below continues to delight …

The Others

In Vogue: Vikram Kushwah

Fair devotees will recognise Vikram Kushwah‘s evocative photography from …

The Others

Ant Pearce: Thread Drawings

Fair artist Ant Pearce reflects on his unique practice of creating abstract …

The Others

The Power Of Crowds: New Work from Delphine Lebourgeois

After successful shows at many editions of the fair, we are delighted that …

The Others

Infinite Perspectives: Will Teather

Fair artist Will Teather invites us to preview his new collection Infinite …

Fair News

The Other Art Fair Goes International

2015 represents a truly significant year for The Other Art Fair, the UK’s …

Artist Studio

In The Studio: Bridget Davies

Welcome back to another edition of the fair Bridget! What are you up to at the …

Artist Studio

In The Studio: David Stanley

Please tell us about what you are currently working on. The new paintings are …

Artist Studio

In The Studio: Olivier Leger

The process for producing my drawings is liberal. I have a vague idea about …