Fair News

Your destination for the latest news and information for The Other Art Fair London, Bristol, Sydney, Melbourne, New York and Los Angeles. From fair guides to ticket information, check back here for up-to-date content and exclusive deals.

Fair News

London: Spin Your Art Fair Fate

Why visit an art fair? To buy art. To Instagram. To be a critic. To flirt. To …

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London & Bristol: Introducing

Spread the cost and buy art work you love! Spread the cost of art purchases …

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London: Sarah Maple
'Comment is Free'

Can too many critical comments end up silencing an artist? Or is it fuel for …

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London: Highlights 15-18 Oct 2015

130 artists, 14,100 vistors, 3,375 artworks, 1421 entrance balloons, 54 …

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Art Below x James Mylne

From taxidermied snakes to Stormtrooper helmets, Art Below continues to delight …

Fair News

The Other Art Fair Goes International

2015 represents a truly significant year for The Other Art Fair, the UK’s …