Inside the Studio
Emelie Jegerings revitalizes the female form
What are the major themes you pursue in your work?
Passion, color, and emotion are my most important motives. Emotion is my guide and the connecting link to our being. Passion and pathos lead me to what I want to be expressed on the canvas. Inspired by the old Impressionist masters, I create my own translation of the classical female figure. My muses arise from an abstract background, and my colors are created with self developed techniques in which a lot is to be discovered such as textures, patterns, and craquelure. Out of this color explosion, I look for the stillness and beauty in which light and shadow play an important role in my works.
What was the best advice given to you as an artist?
Stay authentic, paint, and create from your heart.
Prefer to work with music or in silence?
I often paint with music, but I also like to paint in silence. It really depends on my mood, and the sort of work I am creating.
If you could only have one piece of art in your life, what would it be?
A difficult question for an artist. But, Rembrandt comes to the top of my mind. For me, The Jewish Bride is one of his most remarkable paintings. Rembrandt was extremely good at painting light, but also in his time he experimented a lot with different techniques.
Who are your favorite writers?
At this moment I am very fond of Ilya Leonardo Pfeiffer.