Fair News

Tips for your Wellbeing from CALM

Feelings of anxiety, loneliness, and isolation are understandably surging during these unprecedented and challenging times, especially with the health of loved ones and unexpected financial strains being at the forefront of our minds.

Given these challenges, The Other Art Fair has been in conversation with our Charity Partner CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably), to provide you with a few tips on how to manage your wellbeing over the weeks to come.


It is natural to feel as though you should be checking your phone every hour to learn how the pandemic is evolving, but excessively looking at news coverage can lead many to feel anxious and unsettled.
Similarly, social media platforms can be healthy in providing uplifting content and community conversations, but can also be a hub for unnecessary comparison. Try instead to limit the time you spend on your device and navigate the time you do spend online to positive, creative content only.


Despite social distancing creating a physical barrier between you and your friends and family, this is a time where you can increase connectivity with others online to alleviate stress. CALM suggest to “play FIFA with your mates, Facetime your Mum (she’ll love that), or organise a Google hangout and have a beer if you want to recreate a pub”. View this time as an opportunity to reconnect and build friendships. Get in touch with and follow some artists, or arts organizations you love to stay inspired and uplifted.



Developing a new routine for yourself and setting daily goals can help you feel a little more in control of the situation, but try ‘changing it up a little’ to avoid your routine becoming banal and tiresome. Go outside and take a walk, get some fresh air, maybe dust off you old camera and capture the scenes around you – or for some inspiration why not take a look at our ‘Bringing Outside, Inside‘ collection.


If you are seeking a new goal or activity, why not try out The Other Creative Challenge, a new initiative of The Other Art Fair to inspire art lovers, enthusiasts and quarantined creatives. Once a week an artist from our global community will take you through their creative process, demonstrating simple steps for our audience to follow, recreate and share! Enjoying art is a great way to create a sense of escapism – enjoy our ‘Art as Therapy‘ collection for a range of calming and meditative works.



“Social distancing doesn’t mean emotional distancing” CALM explain. It is only human to feel overwhelmed and out of control when adjusting to new ways of living, but suppressing these feelings is not a sustainable approach and the CALM helplines are here to support you. Open 7 hours a day and 7 days a week, the helplines and webchat are confidential, anonymous and free.

Call CALM – 0800 58 58 58

Webchat – thecalmzone.net/help/webchat

(Lines open 5pm – Midnight)

Wondering how you can help? – Donate

CALM, alongside other leading UK charities, are under increasing pressure to support individuals whilst also attaining the required funding to do so. It costs £8 to answer each one of the potentially lifesaving calls they get to their helpline. Last year, CALM directly stopped 588 suicides. To make sure the charity can continue to deliver their service, please donate at thecalmzone.net/donate