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Matthieu Leger is Rethinking Artwork in the Digital Age
What are the major themes you pursue in your work?
Essentially, my work explores ideas around construction and deconstruction, with a focus on oil painting and what it means to be image making in the digital age.
How did you first get interested in your medium, and what draws you to it specifically?
I have always felt inspired by the drawing and painting process and ultimately there lies a need to create something with my own hands. What is exciting for me about my current painting process is to be exploring a medium like oil painting using an image source constructed and deconstructed through the digital eyes and world of a computer.
How has your style and practice changed over the years?
My style has very much evolved throughout the years. Looking back on my previous work, I feel like the themes that interest me now (ideas around representation / abstraction, construction / deconstruction) are also as present there. What has evolved in my work for me is how these themes are visually presented.
Can you walk us through your process? Do you begin with a sketch, or do you just jump in? How long do you spend on one work? How do you know when it is finished?
I used to create very loose sketches and then just jump in. However, now my process is a lot more defined. Before I create paintings, my process involves creating a glitched digital source image. I do this using open source software and digital tools like Photoshop. The final image is a result of multiple digitally collaged, constructed and deconstructed layers. Once this digital image is finished, I then use this as the source for my painting. You can follow works in progress on my Instagram: @matthieulegerartist
Prefer to work with music of in silence?
Definitely with music. I have a very eclectic taste in music and as such the music in my studio can vary wildly from one day to another. Recently I’ve been listening to a lot of Jon Hopkins, Aphex Twin, Clint Mansell, Deftones, QOTSA, Cold War Kids, Radiohead…
If you could only have one piece of art in your life, what would it be?
Only one!?! … A veiled bust by Antonio Corradini would do quite nicely… or maybe the painting palette of either Monet/ Cezanne/ Degas / Van Gogh…